Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Module 4- Heather Rogers

 Module 4 Response- Heather Rogers

  • How has your network changed the way you learn?
As Siemens (2006) stated, learning occurs when networks are created. My network is comprised of four main categories, personal, social, professional and educational. All sub topics, as shown, can be related to many categories. With this overlap I am able to develop knowledge that supports aspects of my professional and personal life. Through conversations and shared information, I am not only able to expand my expertise, but I am able to share it with colleagues and in the end apply it in my classroom.  The world of education is ever changing technology, and it is often difficult to remain current; with the use of networks and technological tools it becomes a daily event. I frequently read news articles and blog posts that are posted on educational topics. This allows me to see view points and topics from other educators (Siemens, 2004).
  • Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?
Web 2.0 are tools I feel best facilitate personal learning. I am able to connect with other educators to seek opinions or support on content I currently teach. I am also able to locate educational research that provides support on issues or topics I am dealing with in my classroom.  The online course in which I am currently taking and ones I have taken previously allows me to connect with educators in various parts of the world. Through these connections I am able to gain point of views that may vary from my own and gives me ideas or support that I may not have thought of on my own.
  • How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?
The first place I begin when seeking educational knowledge are scholarly articles or websites. Most of the strategies and information are research based and often supported by studies. I am confident the information is reliable and applicable to my field. If I were seeking general information I would use the internet. There are endless amounts of search engines, websites, blogs, wikis etc. that provide information on all topics. I am, however, careful as to where the information is derived.  

Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from http://elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/.

Additional Resources
Cool Cat Teacher- this is a great blog site that provides great information and opinions on many educational topics.

2 Cents Worth- Another great educational blog. This blog includes a range of educational topics


  1. Hi Heather,

    I truly enjoyed reading your post. I am not very familiar with web 2.0 however, after reading your post I feel I am missing out. I truly see the importance of blogging and collaboration now. These strategies assists us in learning knew knowledge and becoming better individuals in our profession. Great blog post.

  2. Heather,

    I like how your mindmap shows how you use multiple forms of technology and collaboration in more than one network. This clearly shows how we are constantly making technology connections and applying connectivism principles for educational, personal, and professional purposes. I noticed how one of your forms of connecting is through your school's wiki page. Is this something that you have found useful as an individual teacher or that you have found that the school uses effectively? What types of inmformation is posted and shared on your school wiki? Our school has a facebook page where we post news, but I think a wiki is a great idea for teams to collaborate and everyone to share helpful information. I would like to present to my school and start up. Great post!

    Tiffany Harrell

  3. Heather,
    I liked the way your personal, social, educational and educational networks are all interconnected with each other. You are quite right that web 2.0 tools enables one to connect with others in various parts of the world and varying perspectives on the same topic. Our world would be quite limited if we did not have access to this diversity.

  4. Hi Heather,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am still having trouble posting the Mind Map itself so I do apologize. I have it as a pdf file and it will not attach to my blog. I noticed that you have many connections through your four categories, one particular was the School's Wiki. Do the students and/or parents have access to this Wiki?


  5. Here is the link to my school's wiki... I am not sure what you can see, but if you would like to check it out you can ask permission to join. It is awesome! We have everything from passwords to testing resources to technology help.

